In media

HS: Laillista LSD:tä

Interviewed for a news piece on the legal LSD-like designer drugs in Berlin, published by Helsingin Sanomat. In Finnish.

YLE: Mielen muovaajat

Interviewed for a long text piece published by YLE. In Finnish.

TSB podcast

Interview on the podcast of the Helsinki-based sci-comm society The Science Basement. Talked about psychedelics, addiction and therapy. In English.

Yle: Perjantai

Interview on Yle Perjantai documentary piece about psychedelic drugs and their therapeutical potential. Only in Finnish.

HS: Ulos umpikujasta

Interview on a long read piece on psychedelic drugs and the related research on the largest news paper in Finland. In Finnish.

Yle: Juuso Pekkinen

A radio discussion about psychedelics, their therapeutical potential, and my personal research on the subject with Yle journalist Juuso Pekkinen. In Finnish.


My short "Lab note" piece on online science media Massive Science, describing the main findings of then recent Science paper on compulsive alcohol drinking in mice.

SKR Podcast

A discussion about psychedelics, supernatural and paranormal experiences, research taboos and more, together with cultural anthropologist Satumaarit Myllyniemi, hosted by Olli Ahlroos. In Finnish.