Lauri V. Elsilä  MSc Pharm

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I am Lauri Elsilä, a doctoral researcher in the fields of neuroscience and pharmacology, currently pursuing my PhD degree – with a project concentrating on preclinical behavioural pharmacology of psychedelic drugs – under the supervision of professor emeritus Esa Korpi at the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki.

I am trained as a pharmacist, but my interest towards the brain has followed me through the studies, growing stronger in the course of time. Currently, I am especially interested in behavioural neuroscience, in the serotonin system and its contribution to adaptive behaviours, and associative memory.

More related to my formal education, I am also interested in psychopharmacology and psychiatric disorders, and especially in the preclinical-to-clinical level of translatability of the current preclinical models.

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